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Thierry Baubet, Cn2r's scientific co-director, has just been appointed to the CIIVISE steering committee. A further step in Cn2r's commitment to the fight against sexual violence against children.

After several weeks of questioning, the CIIVISE has just agreed on a new governance structure in the form of a steering committee made up of four personalities: Thierry Baubet, scientific co-responsible of the Centre national de ressources et de résilience (Cn2r), Maryse Le Men Régnier, president of the Fédération France Victimes, Solène Podevin Favre, president of the association Face à l'inceste, and Bruno Questel, former LREM deputy concerned by sexual violence against children.

Sylvie Molenda, deputy director of Cn2r, has also joined the commission as an expert.

Thierry Baubet 1080 - Cn2r

The Cn2r is delighted to take part in this new chapter of the CIIVISE and to see the issue of psychotrauma highlighted in this way. It is essential to take into account the psychotraumatic consequences of violence against children to improve the care of victims and understand the diversity of situations (violence within siblings, violence against children with disabilities, etc.). Emphasis will also be placed on prevention.

More than ever, Cn2r is ready to work effectively to improve knowledge on psychotrauma and resilience, notably within the framework of the CIIVISE.

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