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As part of the publication of the inter-ministerial plan for equality between women and men 2023-2027 and the law of February 28, 2023 creating universal emergency assistance for victims of domestic violence, Cn2r publishes its dossier on domestic violence.

In this dossier, you'll find a number of resources for spotting the signs of post-traumatic stress disorder in a victim of domestic violence, understanding domestic violence and finding help. We've also taken a look at children and teenage co-victims who witness domestic violence in the home, and who may suffer from developmental trauma disorder.

Network press review : 

Le Populaire du Centre - 10/23/2022 For psychiatrist Mélanie Voyer, guest of ALSEA in Limoges, "violence has an enormous social cost" "

France Bleu - 02/03/2022 Féminicides: the Bordeaux psycho-trauma center works on a protocol for children "

ActuBordeaux - 11/25/2021 The "Violence conjugales : à l'hôpital Charles-Perrens de Bordeaux, on soigne les mari violents" (Spousal violence: at the Charles-Perrens hospital in Bordeaux, violent husbands are treated).

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