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Our projects

Edition 2024

Winners of the call for projects

Funding for the final year of a doctorate

Ms. Nina Moner has been awarded a final-year doctoral grant of €44,000, enabling her to complete her doctoral thesis in clinical psychology on "Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy for trauma-related disorders in children aged 3 to 6".

Untargeted post-doctoral funding (2 years)

Julia Devanne has been awarded a 121,000€ untargeted post-doctorate grant for her psychology and neuropsychology project entitled "Reconnecting with self and other through adapted physical activity in women suffering from chronic pelvic pain".

Post-doctorate funding for sectarian aberrations (2 years)

The very first post-doctoral research grant financed by MIVILUDES and organized in partnership with Cn2r has been awarded to Mr Victor Laurent for his project entitled "Sortir de l'emprise: vécu psychologique des anciens adeptes" ("Breaking free from the hold: the psychological experience of former followers").

To find out more click HERE

Previous winners

Marie Gaudelus' research project, winner of the Cn2rAAP.

Jean-Marc Goudet's research project, winner of the Cn2rAAP.

And discover all the projects we've supported in our latest activity report.

Projects supported by the Methodological Support Unit

The COSAMe study

Assessing the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the mental health of university students

Cn2r, in conjunction with the FHF Research Innovation Fund and thanks to a number of partners, has launched a study aimed at describing the prevalence of mental health disorders and their evolution during a pandemic period, and identifying associated vulnerability factors. In particular, the study examines the traumatic nature of this unprecedented event, noting the occurrence of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in students.

Find scientific articles from the 1st measurement period (April-May 2020) in JAMA Networkof the 2nd measurement period (June-July 2020) in Translational Psychiatry and the 3rd measurement period (July-August 2021) in JAMA Network. An article on the evolution of mental health between the first and second measurement periods has also been published in Frontiers in Psychiatry. And see below for infographics of the results: 

The CONFEADO study

Factors associated with resilience and mental health in children and adolescents during the 1st Covid-19 confinement in France

Conducted by Sorbonne Paris Nord University in partnership with Santé Publique France, the University of Tours, FHF funds and Cn2r, this study is the first to focus directly on children and adolescents (aged 9-18) at national level.

See the first results on the Santé Publique France website in Bulletin Epidémiologique Hebdomadaire n°8 Série Covid-19 of May 20, 2021.

Confeado Cn2r - Cn2r
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