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Financing my project

Call for projects 2024

L’appel à projets est désormais terminé. Rendez-vous en janvier 2025 pour candidater !

Découvrez les résultats de l’édition 2024 et les projets déjà accompagnés sur notre page projets.

3-step process :


Letter of intent

Applicants must submit a letter of intent on the "Simplified procedures" platform (deadline 03/03/2024). The letter will then be evaluated by a scientific jury.

Application form

Selected candidates will submit a dossier to be assessed by a member of the jury and an external assessor. It will include a summary of previous work, a detailed description of the research project and its scientific environment (deadline May 19, 2024).


Candidates whose applications have been selected will then be auditioned by the jury (audition on 05/07/2024). Final answers will be sent by e-mail on Tuesday, July 9, 2024.
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