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Centre Régional du Psychotraumatisme : localiser les structures de soins

Regional psychotrauma centers (CRP)

Un centre régional du psychotraumatisme est un dispositif de prise en charge globale – accueil, orientation et traitement – des personnes souffrant d’un trouble de stress post-traumatique (TSPT). Formées au psychotraumatismes, les équipes de professionnels proposent les soins les mieux adaptés à chaque personne à l’épreuve d’un évènement traumatisant.

Attached to hospital centers, the mission of CRPs at the regional level is to :

  • provide comprehensive care for children, adolescents and adults suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder;
  • provide expertise and resources to improve the management of psychotrauma, in particular through the development of training courses;
  • identify local healthcare professionals and work in collaboration with various victim support organizations (associations, social services, etc.).

By 2022, 17 centers and their branches already cover all regions of France. Cn2r's mission is to coordinate these centers and support them in their development and projects.

There are other consultation centers, notably in the private sector, which can be found at

Cn2r mapping :

Below you'll find a map and contact details for CRPs and other establishments offering care for people suffering from PTSD.

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