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Since February 2022, Russia has been attacking Ukraine with repeated and deadly offensives on the territory of this country, which borders the European Union. Fleeing the fighting and massive destruction, many Ukrainians, adults and children alike, have since taken to the road of exile. War triggers immense stress, which can develop into post-traumatic stress disorder. The first to be affected are, of course, the direct victims, especially in France, the refugees. But those involved in warfare (soldiers, humanitarian aid workers, diplomats, journalists) are also confronted, whether they are in the field of operations or whether the conflict revives an older traumatic memory. A resident of a peaceful country can also be destabilized by a conflict elsewhere. However, there are ways of looking after your mental health and that of your loved ones.

Self-care resources :

"Coming from a war zone? Good reflexes and contacts for spotting, preventing and soothing psychological trauma".

Brochure available in Frenchin Englishin Ukrainian and Russian.

"Welcoming war-exposed populations in Ukraine: useful tips for 1st line professionals"

Brochure available in French and English.


Resources for solidarity hosts

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Press review:

L' Interview with Prof. Thierry Baubet, "Sortir de l'effroi": le rôle des psys auprès des réfugiés ukrainiens" (10/03/2022)
Interview with Professor Thierry Baubet, scientific co-sponsor of Cn2r

Ouest France War in Ukraine: what is the impact of the conflict on mental health?" (05/03/2022)
Interview with Professor Eric Bui, head of CRP Normandie

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