We recently published our business report for 2022: https://cn2r.fr/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/Rapport_activite_2022-Cn2r-version-numerique-interactive-v2.pdf
This is an opportunity to look back on some major advances: coverage of all regions of France by regional psychotrauma centers and departmental consultations, the complete overhaul of our identity and the launch of our new website, as well as the publication of numerous resources for the general public (Nice attack, children and teenagers) and for professionals (general practitioners, death notification in a legal context).
New for 2022: the launch of scientific webinars with two sessions (dealing with terrorist attacks and dissociative amnesia), to deepen current knowledge in the field of psychotrauma.
It was also a year of partnerships, with the signing of an agreement with the Fonds de Garantie des Victimes (Victims' Guarantee Fund) and a symposium organized jointly with the interministerial delegation for victims' aid and the Fédération France Victimes.
A rich and promising year that gives us real momentum for 2023, which will bring many more projects to fruition.