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The B2V Memory Observatory and its partners are organizing the 5th edition of Memory Week from September 19 to 22, 2023 in the Lille metropolis and simultaneously on the Internet. A time for reflection, exchange and sharing between speakers and the public, around the links between the memory of the future and mental health issues. What if memory were in fact a formidable time machine?

A free hybrid event combining distance learning and classroom sessions

This public event, dedicated to the exploration of memory in all its forms, is free and open to all. Organized every 2 years since 2014 by the Observatoire B2V des Mémoires in a French city (Caen, Bordeaux, Montpellier, Tours), the5th edition will take place in the metropolis of Lille. Numerous programs will be simulcast on the Semaine de la Mémoire website to make the event accessible to all.  

A time for reflection, exchange and sharing

More than thirty experts (scientists, researchers, historians, specialists in the human and social sciences...) will meet the public to exchange and share their knowledge on individual and collective memory.

This year's biennial event will focus on the theme of memory and mental health, with topics including psychotrauma, addictions, media coverage of mental health, eco-anxiety and mental preparation for top-level athletes.

Memory and new technologies have been at the forefront of the news in recent months, and will play a key role during the event, with conferences focusing on artificial intelligence and new technologies for memory.

Collective memory will also be in the spotlight throughout the week, with events focusing on the memory of gestures, the memory of work and visits to local heritage sites.

Alzheimer's disease is one of the central themes of Memory Week, with a workshop, awareness-raising conferences and a film debate.

The full program can be found on the website.

We also invite you to follow the event on the B2V Memory Observatory social networks:

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