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Nice attack

The Nice attack on July 14, 2016 left 86 people of 19 different nationalities dead and nearly 500 injured. That evening, nearly 30,000 people came to watch the fireworks in France's second most popular tourist city. The attack was also the first in France to affect so many children, as it targeted families and friendly groups who had come to enjoy the show.

Six years after the event, the trial begins in Paris on September 5, 2022. It is scheduled to last almost four months. The first objective of a trial is always judicial. It's an important step for those involved, and one that helps to restore the importance of each individual story. However, the trial can also reactivate painful memories. There are ways to take care of your mental health and that of your loved ones.

What are the signs of post-traumatic stress disorder?

Adults involved in the Nice attack

The moment of trial can be difficult, as it can revive or reawaken the traumatic experience. Taking care of yourself is particularly important. We need to protect ourselves from overexposure, especially in the media: we don't have to see and watch everything.

It's also important not to bury your feelings, but to talk about them and not isolate yourself. It's not possible to erase the trauma, but it is possible to make sense of it, and get on with a life that may be different, but is still worth living.

Recommendations for direct and indirect victims and bereaved relativesRecommendations for direct and indirect victims and bereaved relativesFinding your way around the trial: Montjoye association
Chu nice - Cn2r

Interview with Professor Michel Benoit

MBenoit - Cn2r

Psychiatrist at Nice University Hospital, head of the PACA-Corse regional psychotrauma center.


Children and teenagers involved in the Nice attack

Children and teenagers need to recognize themselves as victims, to put into words what they have experienced.Some bereaved children and adolescents also hope that the trial will tell their story and provide them with answers. They may be looking for meaning in the event that shattered their lives. The trial won't be able to satisfy this longing. On the other hand, if the child is ready and willing, it's an opportunity to revisit the family history, provided the adults around him or her feel able to do so. Every family has its own history and its own capacity to deal with it at this particular time. Don't hesitate to ask the family for help if you need it.

During the trial, it is important to be attentive to your child's needs and to protect him if necessary:

Recommendations for family and friends of child victims
Recommendations for relatives and caregivers of child victims
Iva ZUNJIC 16 - Cn2r

Interview with Professor Florence Askenazy - children

Florence Askenazy - Cn2r

Child and adolescent psychiatrist at the Pediatric University Hospital, Fondation Lenval.


Interview with Lise Eilin Stene - teenagers

Nice attacks Lise Eilin Stene

Doctor of Medicine and researcher at the Norwegian Centre for Violence and Traumatic Stress Studies.


Relatives and caregivers

The particularity of the Nice attack is that it affected family and friends who were present together on the Promenade des Anglais. Those who were not present with their loved ones may feel guilt, shame and helplessness in the face of their suffering. Yet their support is essential in creating a safe, caring space where their loved ones can express their feelings and reflect on their experiences.



The traumatic consequences of an attack can have a ripple effect at several levels. Certain professionals (firefighters, nurses, police, public actors, etc.) who intervened at the time of the attack may suffer from psychotraumatic after-effects, which it is important to treat. Other professionals may also come into contact with people showing signs of PTSD, and take on the role of caring sentinel. 

Recommendations for general practitioners: identifying, supporting and referring patients with PTSD
Nice attacks, professionals, rescue, witness

Interview with Naïma

Member of the psychotrauma community, who works at the Agence Régionale de Santé in Marseille and was mobilized during the Nice attack. We apologize for the poor sound quality, as this interview was conducted in a hotel.


Cultural resources

Apres l'orage - Cn2r

Après l'orage, Hélène Romero and Adélie Day, Editions courtes et longues, 2016

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